
Tips on opening the two-component glue pot

Colle bi-composants pour gazon synthétique

When laying artificial turf, it’s time to join the turf strips. If you’ve opted for our two-component pot glue, we advise you to open the pot 10 minutes before laying, taking care to pierce the center of the pot at 2 points with a lawn nail so that the 2 components meet completely.

Only then should you mix the 2 components in a mixer, before applying the glue to the associated bridging strip within 30 minutes. Green Avenue’s two-component pot glue is a polyurethane glue containing no solvents or phthalates. Combined with its bridging strip, this glue has been specially designed to fix your synthetic turf strips, especially sports turf, and give you a clean finish on your worksite.Colle bi-composants pour gazon synthétique

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