
Synthetic grass for pets

Gazon synthetique pour animaux de compagnie

Cani’Green® synthetic turf in knitted fiber has been developed with pets in mind. Strong and resistant to dog and cat claws, this technical turf stands out for its maximum permeability to allow dog and cat droppings to pass through. The acid contained in the urine and excrement of our 4-legged companions won’t damage or discolor the fibers of our Cani’Green® artificial turf. 100% permeable, liquids will pass through the turf while retaining the masses. A jet of water (excluding high-pressure cleaners) added to our Green Avenue special artificial turf cleaner should be used regularly to clean the fibers and disinfect.Gazon synthetique pour animaux de compagnie

Gamme sports green avenue

Set course for 2025!

2025 is fast approaching, and like every year, we’re making new resolutions while retaining those that have already proved their worth. The challenges associated with

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