
Small but green

Gazon artificiel Grenade

👌 Small but verdant! Look how our Grenada artificial lawn enhances the outdoor features of this small terrace. The plantings, accompanied by their slates, are sublimated by the 5 colors of Grenade fibers that give a very natural look to this garden 100% covered with our artificial lawn. What’s more, this model has a length of strands that offers your feet a soft and comfortable support for walking and playing. More photos and info on this product on the web page right here .Gazon artificiel GrenadeGazon artificiel GrenadeGazon artificiel Grenade

Gamme sports green avenue

Set course for 2025!

2025 is fast approaching, and like every year, we’re making new resolutions while retaining those that have already proved their worth. The challenges associated with

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