
Organic staple

Agrafe organic

Organic staples are 100% biodegradable are specially designed for fixing Hy’Green© hybrid synthetic turf to the ground.


  • Easy to lay
  • Biodegradable
  • Biosourced


Description détaillée : Organic staple

Organic staples

Organic staples are 100% biodegradable staples specially designed for fastening mulch film or felt. These versatile staples are suitable for biodegradable fabrics and felts, synthetic geotextiles and all products used to combat erosion. Their specific shapes offer numerous advantages in terms of both ease of insertion and resistance to tearing.

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Caractéristiques techniques

Matière premièreAmidon de blé et de pomme de terre
Longueur15 cm
Largeur3 cm en tête

Applications courantes

Organic staple for Hy’Green© hybrid turf from Green Avenue

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